Monday, September 3, 2012

September Currently Blog Hop

Where has the time gone?  Wow!  It seems like yesterday that I was learning how to do my 1st Currently in August.  I am excited to have completed my 1st week back to school and to be done with Back to School Night.  Planning for that has always been just as nerve wracking, as it is exciting.  I have a wonderful group of kiddos this year and I'm looking forward to all of the great adventure that are ahead.  Below is my September Currently hosted by Farely at Oh' Boy 4th Grade. Hop on over and link up.

My favorite way to start the day is not so healthy, but oh so delicious!!! Vanilla Flavor Coffee Mate in my Donut House Coffee made in my Keurig.  Love, love, LOVE!

I began my summer vacation with the goal of getting into the best shape of my life.  My 39th Birthday is fast approaching in October and I want to spend the last year in my thirties looking my best.  Hoping that will also be the kickstart to entering my 40's.  Beginning with the INSANITY routine for 63 days I felt very alive and progress to a healthy lifestyle is upon me.  After completion I decided to take a break from the high intensity workouts with Shawn T and hop on over to Tony Horton with P90x.  Hoping to switch it up and confuse my body for progress.  I'm loving it so far!  I plan on another round of Insanity starting in October.  Until then P90x is my friend at least 5 times a week.  

I love to plan dinners on my days off from school/work.  With 4 kids and my spouse who are picky(only like typical plain food options), it can be difficult to make something that satisfies their palate and meets mine.  A taco salad below makes taco Tuesday interesting.  Not sure what tonight brings, but the fridge is telling me that it has to be either ribs or something involving hamburger.  ???? I'd love see someone host a quick bites for working moms blog hop?  Maybe that's my calling :)


  1. Tammy . . . thanks for finding me today. If you need someone to pony up an item for that giveaway, shoot me an email. I would be happy to help!! Merry Labor Day . . . good luck with those plans. I STILL haven't started. Whoops :)

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

    1. Thanks Kelley! I'll take you up on that soon. I'm still choosing to blog instead of plan, so I'm still trying to get those plans done as well. Happy day off to you! Enjoy :)

  2. I do not like planning meals and I have 3 picky eaters at my house. I would love to read a quick bites linky or blog. I keep thinking about doing some form of exercise, but declare there isn't time. When do you find the time?

    Mrs. Bartel’s School Family

    1. I'll start working on the quick bites. I think it would be beneficial to all of us working teacher/bloggers. :) Exercise is not really something I enjoy, but have found the more I do it the easier its become. I'm getting better at it and I force myself to find the time. Working out during the week is difficult, because I cannot do it before I go to work and I'm tired after work. I find if I get into my workout clothes and get my water ready and just get started I can do it. I'm always happy after I'm done and fitting into my clothes is the best motivator. Weekends I try to get it out of the way in the morning. I can't take care of others without first taking care of me. :)

  3. I start my day EXACTLY the same as you!!! So glad you stopped by today... so I could find you! Happy monday!
    Tori's Teacher Tips

    1. Thanks for stopping by Tori and Happy Monday to you as well!

  4. Thanks for sharing! I found you on the September Currently! I was thinking about getting a pedicure today too!
    Come and check out my current Currently!

    PS- I am also having a Labor Day Flash Sale on my TpT Store.

    Fancy Free in Fourth

    1. Layla,
      Your catch ups are very similar to mine. Prepping for the new school week is always a busy time. Glad my kids are getting a little older and responsible that I can enlist them to help. Good luck with getting your Donors Choose project funded! I had mine funded last year and I'm ready to get another going. I received 3 iPods from a single donor. We use them for various tech projects including podcasting and reading centers. Wish I had more, but 3 is better than none. What is your donors choose project about? I'll check out your sale at TPT. Gotta love TPT!

  5. Love your blog! It is super cute! I would die for a personal shopper to do the dirty work like last minute grocery shopping but I love shopping because it relaxes me and I love a good find!

    Pixy Stix and Teacher Tricks

  6. Okay now I am going to have to try me some donut shop coffee. Haven't seen that around here though? Where do you buy it? Have a great week!
